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December 31, 2009


Here we are at the beginning of another new year. I love new years. New years are full of hope, possibilities, opportunities, and resolutions. Have you made your New Years Resolution? This year make MVP Planning part of your New Year, New You.

What is MVP Planning? Most of you instantly thought of Most Valuable Person didn’t you? MVP Planning is Mission, Vision, and Purpose Planning. Why is MVP Planning important for your New Year, New You? How often do you make resolutions only to have them fade into the sunset in no time at all? MVP Planning may provide the motivation you need to see your resolution through. 

Begin your MVP Planning with your mission. Your mission is at the heart of your endeavors. It is your cause for rising in the morning to greet the day. My mission, what makes my heart beat, is to help others feel successful in their endeavors. It is the end result that I plan each day towards. 

What is your mission?
Your mission guides your vision. Vision is the human value of your mission. What does your mission do for others? My vision is to empower others to achieve ongoing and sustainable success. 

What is your vision?
Your mission and vision provide the inspiration for your purpose. Your purpose is to make your vision a reality. Where we tend to get off course is working our vision into our daily lives. That’s where MVP Planning comes in. When you have a clear mission and vision and you realize your purpose is to make them a reality then you can plan each day to that end.

As you put your MVP Plan into action develop a map of where you are and where your vision has you. I relate this to that map at the mall that says “you are here.” Start by creating an image of where you are and where you want to be.

Next establish goals that will help you on your way from here to there. When I am in the mall looking at the map I note stores that are between me and the place I want to be. This helps me know that I am headed the right way and that I am making progress on my journey to my destination. Use your goals the same way. Create goals that measure progress while showing you that you are headed the right direction.

When you have your goals in place, determine what you need to do each day to meet your goals. Schedule daily purpose-driven activities into your calendar. Purpose-Driven Activities (PDAs) are those activities you need to include each day to ensure progress on your journey to your vision. Your PDAs also serve as markers on your journey the same way the stores serve as my markers on my journey through the mall. As you travel from here to your vision, check your goals to make sure you are on the right track and to measure your progress.
I wish you a Happy New Year! As you endeavor to seize the opportunity available to you this year remember to make MVP Planning a part of your New Year, New You.

Wishing You a New Year of Success!

December 28, 2009


Have you ever felt there just isn’t enough hours in the day?  Ever wonder why some people seem to be much more productive than others?  Would you like to be more productive?  Then this article is for you.

I have spent years looking for a way to squeeze more out of each day.  With three boys, a husband, and the demands of owning a business, getting more from my time is a must.

There are some basic solutions that anyone can apply if they truly desire to be more productive with each day.  Here are a few.

First, Plan your week.  Schedule out your events for the week and determine where and when you have “leftover” time. 

Second, List and prioritize tasks.  Make a task list and break it down into personal, family and business.  Prioritize your list. Contrary to popular belief all things do not have to be accomplished right now.  As you prioritize your task list you will see what must happen tomorrow and what can wait till later in the week.

Third, Coordinate your efforts!  Especially with the price of gas!  Look for tasks that can wait until you are in the area to accomplish them at the same time.  For example, I love it when I can stop at the market on the way back to the office from a consulting appointment.  I have accomplished a personal task without adding miles and depleting dollars. 

These are just a few ways to stretch your time and be more productive in it.  Planning ahead helps you not only be more productive but less stressed and worried about how you are going to get everything done. Believe it or not, 15 minutes of planning will make you feel like you’ve gained hours in productive time.

Contact us today to learn how Purposed Success can empower you to achieve the success you envision for yourself.

December 26, 2009

Optimize U

Optimize U empowers you to achieve the success you envision for yourself.  Designed to take you step-by-step through the process to create your vision, plan for success, make goal-minded decisions, schedule purpose-driven activities, and celebrate your success.

Optimize U is a book and workbook in one that allows you to write as you go and easily reference your thoughts in the future.
Don’t wait for success to happen - Optimize U today!
Optimize U inspires sustainable personal and professional growth and success
  1. A book and workbook in one, it allows you to document your answers and thoughts as you go and easily reference your information in the future.
  2. Step-by-step question and answers help you develop your personal and professional vision.
  3. Learn to turn a “huge” goal into small daily activities resulting in success.
  4. Learn strategies for continuing success.
  5. Learn to Celebrate Success!
Contact us today to order your copy of Optimize U!
For Immediate Release: Purposed Success, LLC joins Constant Contact’s Business Partner Program

Purposed Success, LLC Email Marketing Program Provides Clients with Effective and Affordable Tools to Build Strong, Lasting Customer Relationships

Purposed Success, LLC today announced they have joined Constant Contact’s Business Partner Program. Purposed Success, LLC is able to provide their clients with easy-to-use email marketing and online survey products to help them build strong, lasting customer relationships. Constant Contact®, Inc. ( is a leading provider of email marketing and online survey tools for small organizations.
“Our customers are always looking for effective ways to grow their businesses,” said
Regina. “Constant Contact’s customer communication tools give our clients a valuable addition to our core services. Constant Contact’s ease-of-use and affordability made the partner program a great solution to meet our clients’ marketing needs.”
“Email marketing and online surveys are proven tools that help small businesses connect with their customers and build successful customer relationships,” said Len Bruskiewitz, senior director, Partner Programs, Constant Contact. “We are pleased that Purposed Success, LLC chose Constant Contact to provide their clients with our products and services, and we look forward to working with them to help grow their clients’ businesses.”
As a Constant Contact Business Partner, Purposed Success, LLC is able to provide their clients with email marketing and online survey capabilities. With SpeakUp!SM Email Marketing, Constant Contact’s email marketing product, Purposed Success, LLC’s clients can quickly and easily create professional-looking emails, manage contact email lists, measure email campaign results from clicks to open rates, and review who joined email lists. With ListenUp!SM Survey, Constant Contact’s online survey product, Purposed Success, LLC’s clients have an easy-to-use tool to gain insight that will help them meet customer needs, generate new ideas, and grow their business or organization. ListenUp! Survey also helps Purposed Success, LLC’s clients analyze responses quickly, create targeted email lists based on survey responses, take action, and follow-up with relevant email communications.

About Purposed Success, LLC
Launched in April 2008, the mission of Purposed Success, LLC is to empower entrepreneurs, professionals, and small business owners to achieve success through needs assessments, consulting, coaching, training, and tailored solutions. Contact us today for information about how Purposed Success can empower you.

About Constant Contact, Inc.
Launched in 1998, Constant Contact, Inc. is a leading provider of email marketing and online survey tools for small organizations, including small businesses, associations, and nonprofits. To learn more, please visit or call (781) 472-8100.
Constant Contact and the Constant Contact Logo are registered trademarks of Constant Contact, Inc. All Constant Contact product names and other brand names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Constant Contact, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

What Are Your PDA's?

At this moment are you thinking public displays of affection or those electronic task masters designed to keep us connected? Nearly everyone has the electronic devices designed to keep us connected and organized. I know if something happens to my “smart phone” I am in a world of hurt. Before my smart phone it was a Palm personal organizer. Before that it was my custom designed organizer. Regardless of which type of system you use to organize your schedule and manage your contacts, if you want to achieve your goals you must include daily PDA’s.
For those who missed last month’s article PDA’s are Purpose-Driven Activities. Those activities which drive you toward your goals and vision. Those activities that fulfill your purpose. Purpose-Driven Activities are derived from your mission, vision, and purpose but how do you determine what your daily PDA’s need to be?
Use your annual goal to determine what you need to do daily. For example, I once gave each member of a consultant team the challenge to increase their customer base by 100 new customers the following year. They looked as though they thought I had lost my mind. I proceeded to explain to them that if they plan to work approximately 50 weeks out of the year, 100 new customers becomes two (2) customers per week. At this point the consultants had a big smile and a can do attitude.
When you know what you need to accomplish each week to achieve your goal then you can implement purpose-driven activities into every day of your week. According to the law of averages I have always heard – if I want two new customers per week I need to talk to at least 10 prospective customers each week. With this information I can schedule my calendar to include 10 prospective customer appointments each week.
What is your goal for this year? Since a goal is measurable you should be able to take your measurable goal and calculate what you need to do weekly to achieve your goal. When you have a weekly goal to obtain, simply determine what purpose-driven activities you need to include in each day to accomplish your weekly goal.
Daily PDA inclusion will help you stay focused and achieve your weekly goals. Achieving your weekly goals consistently will lead to accomplishing your annual goals. Before you know it, your vision will be a reality, all because of your daily PDA’s.


In April I attended the Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award Kickoff. At the event several people asked what my business is and why I started it. My response was full of passion with a vision clearly defined by our mission. Each person responded with excitement and support for my mission.
Meeting with other entrepreneurs gave me the opportunity to ask the same question of them. It was inspiring and exciting to hear the responses of those who have a clear mission, vision, and a passion to achieve them. Even when they weren’t sure the best way to achieve their mission, their passion was contagious and created a desire in me to join in and help them.
Over the following weeks I noticed the same scenarios playing out in networking and social situations. I watched as people discussed their business or job with others. Those who had a passion for what they were doing were easy to spot. These people were eager to share what they do and why they do it. It was a contagious excitement that inspired participation.
How do you respond to people who have no passion for what they do? Do you feel compelled to join them in their mission? Typically if someone has no passion for what they are doing, people move on.
What would your response be if someone asked you about your business and why you do it? Would others feel passion from your response? If not, they probably won’t feel compelled to join you in your mission.
Passion for what you do is something that anyone can have whether working their dream job or not. The key is to know where you are in your journey, where you are headed, and how you plan to get there. Your passion for the vision of where you plan to be is what motivates you and those around you to join in on your mission.
Do you have a mission you are passionate about? Have you lost the passion you once had for what you do? Passion can be found by looking inside to find what is important to you and why. Discover your mission and examine why. When you clearly see your mission and the vision of how is affects others then you will see your passion grow.
Passion, is it in you?